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coli test中文是什么意思

用"coli test"造句"coli test"怎么读"coli test" in a sentence


  • 大肠杆菌试验


  • In 2001 , the number of isolates of escherichia coli tested was 313
  • For months july - december 1999 , the number of isolates of escherichia coli tested was 341
  • Of the isolates tested , the percentage of strains resistant to amoxicillin - clavulanic acid was not applicable according to the national committee for clinical laboratory standards or not performed . in 2006 , the number of isolates of escherichia coli tested was 78
    没有对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性进行测试或根据美国national committee for clinical laboratory ,对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性测试是不适用的。
  • Of the isolates tested , the percentage of strains resistant to amoxicillin - clavulanic acid was not applicable according to the national committee for clinical laboratory standards or not performed . in 2004 , the number of isolates of escherichia coli tested was 86
    没有对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性进行测试或根据美国national committee for clinical laboratory ,对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性测试是不适用的。
  • Of the isolates tested , the percentage of strains resistant to amoxicillin - clavulanic acid was not applicable according to the national committee for clinical laboratory standards or not performed . in 2003 , the number of isolates of escherichia coli tested was 147
    没有对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性进行测试或根据美国national committee for clinical laboratory ,对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性测试是不适用的。
  • Of the isolates tested , the percentage of strains resistant to amoxicillin - clavulanic acid was not applicable according to the national committee for clinical laboratory standards or not performed . in 2002 , the number of isolates of escherichia coli tested was 196
    没有对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性进行测试或根据美国national committee for clinical laboratory ,对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性测试是不适用的。
  • Of the isolates tested , the percentage of strains resistant to amoxicillin - clavulanic acid was not applicable according to the national committee for clinical laboratory standards or not performed . in 2005 , the number of isolates of escherichia coli tested was 108
    没有对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性进行测试或根据美国national committee for clinical laboratory ,对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性测试是不适用的。
  • Of the isolates tested , the percentage of strains resistant to amoxicillin - clavulanic acid was not applicable according to the national committee for clinical laboratory standards or not performed . in 2000 , the number of isolates of escherichia coli tested was 483
    没有对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性进行测试或根据美国national committee for clinical laboratory ,对阿莫西林及克拉维酸的抗药性测试是不适用的。
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